Unlock the full potential of VIP tickets.
Evenizer is the event platform designed to maximize the value of your VIP tickets for your company’s key audiences.
Evenizer allows you to comply with anti-corruption regulations, benefits in kind, and GDPR regulations.
Thanks to the numerous customization possibilities, your guests remember that they were invited by your company.
All your events are consolidated in one place. You have the power to allocate quotas, monitor their consumption, send invitations...
Thanks to historical data, you have the information you need to manage your strategy: who to invite? When? At what event?
Thanks to the numerous customization possibilities, your guests remember that they were invited by your company.
They manage their public relations with Evenizer
Sport, Culture, Corporate... every year our customers invite more than 300,000 people who matter to them.
All you need to drive your PR strategy.
Being compliant
User-friendly and to your brand image.
Benefit from a user-friendly design platform
Evenizer is designed to make it easy for your teams to get to grips with the solution, whatever their level of familiarity with digital tools.
Personalize your guest material with your brand image
Graphics, text, sender...communication media are customized to your identity, to help your guests make the event their own.